Growing Up In Military Training
It was another day of the military training life. With a little experience, I was not that at a loss like I was on the first day. Meanwhile, the training was more rigorous and I stood a pose of soldier for a long time. Though I felt numb in the legs, I dared not relax. The drillmaster’s encouragement and the progress of the movement became the driving force of my actions. In spite of the tiredness, I gained a lot.
In the morning, the teachers showed us around the School History Museum and the training base so that we could understand the history and glories of Anqing Foreign Language School. In the meantime, we felt proud to be students of Anqing Foreign Language School. After experiencing the projects in the training base, I found all the tasks were difficult to finish. Thinking that the instructors and all the soldiers sweat for the defence of the motherland every day, I couldn’t help feeling deeply respectful of them.
In the afternoon, we attended the fire education seminar, learned a lot of fire control knowledge and were aware of the potential safety hazard around us.
Afterwards, the teacher showed us how to use the dry powder extinguisher and fire hoses to raise our safety awareness. What’s more, I benefited a lot from the national defense seminar in that I had a smattering of knowledge on national defense before and this lecture enabled me to know more about our country’s basic national defense arms and weapons in addition to the basic national defense problems. More importantly, I understood the significance of national defense for our country and every one of us.
Finally, the sentence from the drillmaster ‘The Country Is Strong Only If The Youth Is Strong.’ impressed me a lot. Though it was not the first time that I had heard the sentence, I was deeply impressed this time, which made me understand my obligations as a student. Therefore, I should study hard, improve myself and make my own contributions to the motherland.